The Lady Is The Most Tired, Though…

Last week, a coworker told me about the boxer mix he’s fostering.  Chloe is just like Denim.  Dog friendly, sweet, high energy boxer mix who can’t be tired out.  Since we’re looking into getting another dog, the coworker suggested we take Chloe for the weekend while he and his wife were going out of town.  I checked with Grant and he agreed.

Guys, I’m so tired.

They played for two days straight.  They played so much that I actually had to crate Chloe for an hour in the middle of the afternoon just so that Denim could get some much-needed rest.  (She was giving me the “I just want a snuggle, The Lady” look.)  By day two, they were taking a ten minute break once an hour or so.  (Except for the 45 minutes Denim literally hid under a blanket on my lap so that she could have some peace.)  Of course, the whole time they sounded like two velociraptors trying to murder each other and maybe some children in the Jurassic Park kitchen.  #90sreference #millennialsftw


In the end, it was decided that Chloe will not be the newest member of our home for a few reasons.

  1. She has way more energy than Denim.  As of Tuesday, she’s back to normal.  Denim is still sleeping.
  2. I can’t teach impulse control basics to two adolescent dogs at the same time.  I just can’t.  My sanity can’t take it.
  3. Chloe peed on the new couch and Grant was the one who saw her doing it.  So by 90 minutes into our experiment, Chloe was a no-go, I was in trouble, and both dogs were banned from the furniture for the weekend.
  4. I think I want to foster again….


Also, on May fifth, Denim lost her bastard status.


Update complete.

2 thoughts on “The Lady Is The Most Tired, Though…

  1. Number 1: OMG CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! That picture is absolutely gorgeous, so I can only imagine how lovely the wedding was. So happy for you guys and for your life together!!!

    Number 2: That sounds like a lotta dog. 🙂 I love your approach to adding a second pup, too. I feel like fostering gives you so much insight into a personality that you can’t get just visiting in a kennel. We may be borrowing that idea from you guys pretty soon ourselves… I hope Denim gets caught up on sleep this week!!


    • A whole lotta dog–and with Denim needing to go through heartworm treatment in the next year or so, that much energy in one house would be ill-advised at best. I want someone who likes to play, but also can be chill. We’ll find it and we’re not in a hurry. I never want Denim to catch up on sleep. The snuggles are too good.

      Another dog to the Marton Pack? I can’t wait to see that journey!


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